My name is Wendy I lost 120 pounds 13 years ago, Between then I gained 20 and recently took that back off. This website is the key component as to why I am able to keep it off. It makes me concious and shows me what I am eating.
Your going to be just fine. You have realized through your doctor that you have Pre D and by knowing it is going to allow you to make a health plan. You can change your eating habits and try not to look at it as a diet. Diets only make you hungry . :) You can do this. Come up with a plan and then remember we all fall down…
I want you to think about something !!! :) Think about how you feel before you eat, you hungry....your bored..... maybe your not hungry and your bored. Its a habit that you have created a pattern . Its okay and you can change this. With breaking any habit it takes time and patience and commitment. What helps me is....... I…