emirandah Member


  • Thanks, guys. I hadn't tried oatmeal or brown rice lately, but both sound good. Broccoli hasn't been sitting well with me lately, but I'll experiment with different vegetables too. I also bought some watermelon last night, so hoping that sits well for additional vitamins.
  • I'm back at it today after a year. You're ready when you're ready :-)
  • Oh, and my personal favorite - Amy's. Their products are about half vegan, half vegetarian, but everything is good. Try the dairy-free mac n cheese; freakin amazing!
  • eat whole foods ^This^ Or, if you don't want to cook from scratch, here are some good ones: - Harmony House - Harmony Valley - Boca - check label, some products are vegetarian - Kashi - check label, some products are vegetarian - Premium Chocolatiers - Justin's Nut Butters - Follow Your Heart - Silk - Rice/Almond/Coconut…
  • This is awesome! I'm glad it worked out for you :-)
  • I thought I was the only one who said this! Totally grosses out my friends... And yes, milk contains pus, and carmine dye contains beetles, and gelatin is made from ground up cow bones, and in some parts of the world, people eat dogs and cats. But honestly, if you're going to eat animals, does it really make a difference?
  • You look great! My goal is to get to 22% bf, so you're an inspiration to me. P.S.--I also have that co-worker. This guy (married, no less), told me that I should stop doing P90X because "guys don't find muscular women attractive." Wow, dude, I didn't realize you spoke for the entire male gender...
  • Adding to my previous entry: 7 - 69 min - P90X Core Synergistics and Elliptical 8 - 0 min (too tired) :-( 9 - 55 min - yoga 10 - 240 min - rafting 11 - 0 min (rest day) 12 - 75 min - P90X weights and lawn-mowing 13 - 95 min - P90X Plyo, lawn-mowing, grouting 14 - 45 min - P90X weights 15 - 65 min - yoga and jogging 16 - 90…
  • I love this! 1 - 77 min - yoga and jogging 2 - 90 min - P90X Legs and Back and Plyo 3 - 240 min - lawn mowing and re-grouting my shower 4 - 170 min - cleaning and walking 5 - 96 min - yoga and jogging 6 - 0 min (overslept this morning, oops) I think my goal will be 48 hours for the month.
  • Yum! Also--maybe try mashing with some artichoke hearts?
  • This was me two months ago... I've since raised my calories, but there are still days I count out wheat crackers or baby carrots until I'm exactly at my limit. Anyway, echo of the rest--if you're not hungry, you don't need to eat. One day below your goal isn't going to hurt, just don't make it a habit.
  • I started at 1200 calories a day, and I was going crazy trying not to "cheat". In the past month, I've raised my calories to between 1350-1400, and I feel a lot better. Try raising by a small increment for a week or two, and see how you feel. Especially if you are weight training, you should continue to lose weight.
  • Kelly, I tried that calculator, that's really neat. Thanks!
  • You look amazing! Thanks for sharing your info; it helps to see where other people are at. I would ideally like to get down to under 30% body fat, so I guess I'll stick with my current routine and see where that eventually lands me on the scale.
  • Just got my first one--calorie counter box with only vegan options. I love it :-)
  • P90X and TRX are my two favorites. Weight training and cardio in one system, and they both kick my butt, but I feel awesome afterwards. Heard good things about Insanity too.
  • Oh, gosh, the inevitable fish question. I also get that one about honey--"How can you not eat honey? It's natural!" I really don't understand how people understand me not eating dairy, but assume that honey is okay. Lol.
  • My perfect world <3