

  • Technically, no, both because all your weight measurements contain fluctuations like water weight and because your TDEE is not actually constant in time. For example, your TDEE almost certainly dropped when your weight went down from 191 lbs to 170 lbs, unless you increased your exercise load considerably over that period.…
  • Yesterday was unusual for me in the snacking department. Provided I get 3 meals in me, I tend to have about 600-700 calories worth of snacks through the day, and most of that is healthier snacks (carrots, hummus, and fresh fruit). Yesterday was 1300, about half of which was after dinner. :/
  • Yesterday I had: Cereal (20 g of sugar in 50g of starch, so moderately sugary) in milk Homemade lentil soup 2 chicken drumsticks A salad A few cookies 2 oz of nuts 2 bananas A glass of juice An ounce of triscuits 300g of pineapple 400 calories worth of wheat thins I also biked for 40 minutes. This puts about 250 calories…
  • Low. But that shouldn't have been relevant yesterday in particular, because I'd had a fair bit of protein earlier and my dinner was pretty high protein as well.
  • No, I have been at it for 6 weeks and spend most of my time on target. In fact almost all of my exceptions except yesterday were caused by something in particular, like Valentine's dinner, movie popcorn (won't be getting that anymore!), or my SO making cookies (which we will be dividing into servings in the future). That…
  • Mild correction: the body burns cellular storage, then blood glucose, then glycogen, then usually fat, then usually muscle, then organs. Muscle can sometimes precede fat, for various reasons; activity is the most straightforward way to prevent this. As an aside, type 1 diabetics skip the glycogen step, because they can't…
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