SimonACousins Member


  • Found this a few months ago...
  • A warm welcome to mfp. :) I came here a few weeks ago and at that time I decided to stop drinking Coke and coffee, as I now work on my general eating habits and 5 days a week exercise. I have been drinking Coke for 30+ years and stopping was quite a jolt to my system but I am determined to leave it alone long term.…
  • I know this might seem somewhat of a cliche answer but maybe see your doctor and ask these important questions. I'm sure folks on mfp have some excellent answers too.
  • Welcome to an awesome web site that has helped me shed pounds. Remember that "hotter" is very very subjective. ;)
  • I just Googled "bonefish grill nutrition". Lots of good links came back, including this one...
  • Awesome persistence and effort ! Hope you have a fabulous Valentine Day and beyond...
  • Check out this thread... - Wii Active Personal Trainer (ES Sports) is awesome.
  • Happy birthday ! I am 14 days in on the Wii Active. I've tried Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus and the Wii Active is far superior. I'd highly recommend it. In just 2 weeks I have gone from using an asthma inhaler 1-2 times a day to maybe once every 2-3 days. I'm down 9lbs so far and feel so much better. The combination of…
  • I Googled "arnold farm breakfast bar nutriotion information". I came up with... Any use ?
  • Another nice thing about Wii Active (no I don't work for the software developer, honest... lol) is that it shows a calendar with rest days. I just play a bit of tennis and watch tv and don't feel guilty at all about not pushing 7 days of solid workouts.
  • I've just burned off 0.5lb on tonight's exercises with my Active workout. As an asthma sufferer (albeit well under control and mild compared to others) I am surprised to not feel out of breath with the Wii Active. I have no urge to reach for the inhaler. I am committed to persistence with my 30 Day Challenge (and way…
  • Love my Wii. I purchased My Fitness Coach 2, Wii Fit, Wii Fit 2, Active Personal Trainer and Wii Sports. Active Personal Trainer is awesome and is making me workout at a good pace with interesting and motivational activities. Wii Sports give me a good version of tennis which I very much enjoy and also get a good workout…