PDisbennet1 Member


  • When I worked at a care home we had a lot of luck with milkshakes made with a high fat ice cream like haagendaas (Spelling?). We would add different things to them, like protein or ensure. They were always well received and I see that your husband likes ice cream but I agree that you have to watch the sugar. Check with the…
  • I don't know what the best exercise is for fat loss but I do know what I can do. You and I are the same weight. I am 45 and have arthritis but I have learned (from trying) that I can do a lot more than I thought I could. For example: swimming, bikie riding, walking my dogs, volleyball, and most surprisingly, hiking. I live…
  • I just started this week and my initial goal is 50 lbs. I'm walking at least 20 min. three times a week. My doctor told me to take it easy at first. Just using the food tally is a great help. I never thought it would be this easy. I have always hated counting calories as with weight watchers but this is kind of fun!…