

  • My zumba teacher did same thing. She lost all her baby weight and then gained it back. Eventually, through zumba classes, she lost 35 pounds. She now looks great and is teaching 10 classes a week. Your hormones probably changed, and you may be low on progresterone. If you were breast feeding and then stopped, your…
  • I'm in. I just did this for a month on another site and it helped me. My problem is not that i get depressed when I gain, but when I LOSE weight, I go yipppeeee and I eat more. So I'm in. How else can we support each other here? I exercise six days a week for one hour, which I am very faithful at. I try to eat 1200-1400…
  • I'm new here. I'm am on a program over at Biggest loser's club, but this is FREE. My measurements Waist: 30 Abdomen: 38.5 Hips: 39 Weight: Not sure...I think 155. I'm off the scale until Friday. I workout 5-6 days a week for one hour, doing zumba. (look up at the gym. It's latin aerobic dance that is high power…