

  • Wow, lots of Floridians here! I'm from good ol' Michigan, the Upper Peninsula actually. I too, am getting back on the motivation horse and trying to work out a lot more. I fell off the wagon back in November, because school and work just got wayyyy too stressful to deal with... At that point I had hit my -70 lb mark (after…
  • This is what I want to see as well.... For me, being able to see the collarbones makes me think of beng small(er) and delicate, and well, I'm NOT delicate. Keep up the great work and progress!
  • I was an ok size back in high school. Kind of a hodge-podge when I was a kid until I went on a vegetarian diet in my junior year of HS, Lost about 50 lbs in 3 months (which I know is excessive) but it was just falling away. I "taught" myself to stop eating all the time and watch on what I was snacking.... Then came college…
  • Don't worry--the 1st week is hardest for everyone! Just kee chugging along! I'm on my week 4 now and it's still hard to keep motivated!