

  • Really? Why do you need to ask this? You obviously understand the question. Sigh.
  • I usually realize that I am not really hungry, but am actually thirsty. (I have a weird habit of not drinking anything while I eat.) Maybe try to quench a thirst with a glass of water and wait to see if you need something else. Maybe it's just out of habit that you think you need something sweet?
  • From the book "The Complete Guide to Vegan Food Substitutions" written by Celine Steen and Joni Marie Newman.....There is a section on substituting dairy which introduces this notion. "Did you know that the human race is the only species on earth that consumes another mammal's milk for sustenance?...Milk's primary function…
  • I think this happens to everyone. First, muscle weighs more than fat. So, when you build muscle and diet you may not loose weight and even gain weight. This is happening to me right now, too. I am a very rigorous workout schedule, P90x, so the workouts I do are constant. I can't work out any more than I do now! I can limit…