pika_doh9 Member


  • Hey guys, I've never been able to run! but it seems to be the best way to lose weight and keep fit. My aim is to be able to do 5k in a short space of time maybe 30min, then hopefully if I do that 30min a day the weight will melt off? I am using the C25K app and I am attempting week 5 day 2, it has taken longer than 5 weeks…
  • hey! congrats on the wedding and the weightloss! i struggle with binge eating too, its easy during the week when I dont go anywhere but weekends if i go out with friends etc, they are all super skinny but yet can still eat out lol but one day i decided to watch what they have and that's when I noticed they will eat only…
  • Hello! I am from London, just at work atm looking out at a very grey and rainy day! I have been fat all my life lol I like to eat and I hate exercise so quite a pickle..However I have joined Virgin Active and I am hoping my curiousity about the classes will motivate me to go! I have been on weightwatchers and lighterlife…