
  • I would love to join! I need all the motivation I can get! I'm going to be bold and go for 2lbs a week!! Maybe a little hight but here we go - 10 weeks exactly until my best friends wedding! Well done everyone so far! SW: 204 GW:182 (ultimate goal 140)
  • Thank you so much everyone I am really moved by your support. It helps so much just knowing there are others out there supporting me. Well i did make it to the gym and although step aerobic hurt like hell i feel so much better having done it - I just need to keep going. Thanks again, its good to know there are such good…
  • Sure count me in - the DVDs been gathering dust and i need to try ot out!
  • I just joined too - this has got to work! Good luck us!
    in Just Joined Comment by PPJO March 2011