

  • I just bought a MIRA Glass Digital Kitchen scale a few days ago and have been loving it. I like that the entire surface can measure weight. The TARE button is a little wonky though, I find that if I don't push it at the right angle it doesn't work.…
  • Man, I feel ya. I bake a lot too, so often times I have sweets in the house >_> Last year though I made a rule for myself that if I wanted any kind of dessert, that I would have to make it myself from scratch. Now I don't buy any store-bought sweets other than chocolate, since I can't be bothered to make that myself from…
  • I personally like BioTrust: Not cheap though, unfortunately, but it's good quality and the vanilla tastes pretty good in smoothies. :) Not sure if you can bake it though, I would contact the company and ask. Though I did try putting the stuff in a hot drink once, it didn't go too well. lol! Have…
  • This reminds me of the time I went to Disneyland with some friends 2 years ago. I wanted to see everything and I realized that one day was simply not enough, so we were all in hyper-drive the whole day. I burned a WHOLE POUND that day!! I wish I knew how many steps that came out to be, I'm really curious now.
  • Have you tried treadmill pushes? It's still on the treadmill, but it will give you the cardio workout of your life in a fraction of the time. I would recommend you start out with shorter intervals, around 3-4 rounds to start. I also recommend you warm-up before you do any type of…
  • For me I find that incorporating steps throughout the day while doing other tasks is the most effective in hitting my step goal. A few people already mentioned stuff like, parking farther away from the gym/grocery store, taking the stairs rather than elevators, etc. You said you work at home - have you considered getting…