miakelaa Member


  • Feel free to add me as well!
  • If you have your activity settings on "active" or "very active" the app will automatically increase your calorie limit for the day on the assumption that you already exercise a lot. I think what might be happening is that your Apple Watch is only adding the calories you burn after you reach that threshold. Otherwise I…
  • Hi everyone! My name is Mia, and I'm so excited to be joining the team this month! My story: I've been vegan for 9 years but recently started a more whole foods-centric way of eating alongside my mom. I've also started tracking calories again, after a long haitus. I lost 30 pounds over the course of 2017 (BMI 27.8 to 23.3)…
  • I love to cook and I've been vegan for 9 years, and vegetarian all my life. These are some of my favorite vegan/vegetarian/special diet friendly bloggers (no particular order). Between these blogs you should be set with plenty of vegan recipes: Minimalist Baker, Love & Lemons, Isa Chandra Moskowitz, The Full Helping, Pick…
  • I've stopped eating refined sugars but I've really enjoyed eating Ezekiel raisin bread with a little bit of peanut butter when I have a sugar craving. My go-to smoothie recipe is one banana, two cups of Costco power greens/spinach/kale, one cup of frozen mango, and one cup of frozen strawberries/blueberries. I'm not sure…
  • I suggest the documentary, Eating You Alive, for more information about diet and various health conditions, including type 2 diabetes. There is a growing body of research that suggests the fat low carb diets are not optimal diets for preventing or managing diabetes. Consider looking into these studies on the benefits of a…
  • I recommend the blogger Minimalist Baker. She does a lot of specialty diet stuff and offers substitutes for many common allergens in her recipes. Many of her recipes do not include soy. My family is vegan and generally oil/sugar free. One of our favorite dinners is this Mexican One Pot Quinoa. I've served it to vegans and…
  • Username: miakelaa Weigh in day: Monday Starting Weight: 158.2 Can I request The Big Butt Theory?
  • Add me! I'm getting back into MFP and I want the external motivation :)
  • Please add me too! I'm an active yogi, I love walking my dog, and I'm vegan!