Brian - That's a good idea. I'll have to look into these desk workouts. Might even help getting the creative juices flowing with the blood pumping and whatnot. :)
Manda - I definitely think organization is key. I started eating Stouffer's entrees a lot since I started my job because we had the microwave. Thought it'd be nice to have hot meals. But it wasn't until today when I checked to see how many calories were in the Fettuccini Alfredo (the one I eat most often). 630 calories! D:…
Sozzy - I know, right? The agency I work at is pretty small; I only have to walk maybe 20 feet to the furthest office away from mine. And before this month started, I would just go back and sit my butt in front of the tv or computer. So clearly I haven't been doing enough! I was pretty out of breath when I started going to…