affabletoaster Member


  • Good for you! I'm also 5'2", and a similar weight, and have started lifting for the first time! I've been doing circuit training with 5-15lb dumbell weights. I use the 15lb weights as often as I can, and I love pushing myself with the higher weight! (I hope that someday 15lb dumbells sound ridiculously easy to me!)
  • I'm a 36HH and I love my Enell! It's also the bra I wear on sick/loung-y days, and I love how small, mobile, and contained I feel in it.
  • You can also use them (or flax seeds) as an egg replacement in baking recipes! I've done this when I don't have eggs in the house, or just for fun!
  • My go-to late night snack, if I can't resist entirely, is dill pickle, but they aren't kind to one's sodium levels. Since you are maintaining, you could include cheese to get some healthy calories and protein.
  • Anything that hasn't been pan fried or deep fried will be lower in fat. Thai food is often full of great vegetables and fiber -- try fresh spring rolls, for instance. If you can, minimize your intake of straight-up carbs like rice, potatoes, or noodles, and aim for something with bamboo shoots, peppers, bean sprouts, and…