Kargicq Member


  • I'd add... do what everyone is comfortable with! When I eat at the house of some friends who have been calorie-counting for a while, they're very happy to weigh my portions.. but it's on a case-by-case basis! :smile:
  • And today I've realised that I have been logging with MFP for exactly 10 weeks! The system is working exactly as it should, for me; I think that the key is logging everything.
  • I don't think there's a "best" time to do it, just what works for you in terms of personal routine, and work/family commitments. Personally, I split my hour-a-day of exercise into two 30-minute chunks (one cardio, one circuit-training DVD), one early morning and one early-evening; but that's because I'm fitting around lots…
  • Absolutely eat it, log it (guess sizes) and move on! If you have a good relationship with your mother, ask her in advance if it's OK just to have half-portions of everything compared to the others at the table. If you don't, don't make things worse by being confrontational!
  • I completely agree about the water/glycogen. Whenever I mix up my exercise to the point I feel sore afterwards, I just know that weight will be all over the place for 10-14 days afterwards. But the 'weigh weekly' vs 'daily' thing depends, I think, on your personality type. I don't like the idea of weekly, because if the…
  • I'm in my third month on MFP. My weight fluctuates all over the place, especially after any change in workout routine. I enter all my data here, but also on a smartphone "smoothing" app: I use Libra for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.cachapa.libra This works out rolling averages and long-term…
  • I'm fairly new to running, but try to jog 5k at least a couple of times each week. I've recently moved to running outside from the treadmill (weather related!) To agree with people above, I found that I started off waaay too fast. First 5k I ever ran was at the start of last year; 38 minutes. Now I'm about 29 minutes.…
  • Just found this topic. I don't often comment on success stories, but this is just amazing! Serious admiration here.
  • Mine was knowing that I would be joining a friend for beer/wine/food in the evening, and so getting up super-early and going for a long jog before work. Stayed on target and had a great time!
  • Two points: some of us like to eat a lot. If we exercise, we can continue to do this. :smile: Secondly, as I understand it, strength exercise makes sure that you don't lose muscle along with the fat. This makes you look and feel better, and in fact helps your metabolism.
  • The best advice a friend has ever given me: "Imagine you're giving advice to a friend in your position." :smile:
  • Just another vote for "You Are Your Own Gym." I use the DVD set rather than the book or the app. The DVDs require no equipment at all, and take 30 minutes including warm-up and cool-down. I find Mark Lauren to be just right in terms of no-nonsense advice and motivation: encouragement rather than shouting! Oh, and you have…
  • Having read about them all, I think I'll be ordering the YAYOG DVD set. Thanks so much -- I hadn't heard of them before!
  • Thanks for the suggestions! I'll order a foam roller, and looks like I've got some research to do this weekend to pick a routine to follow!
  • Log everything in an app which smoothes the data (separates out the fluctuations from the main trend). There are a few out there, but I use Libra for Android... https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.cachapa.libra
  • I teach high-school. I was mildly worried when I did a local 5k run, since several of my students are (good) runners who compete in every event going... but I only got positive comments from them, and one even asked me why I haven't been at other events! To echo what everyone else is saying: most people don't even notice…
  • Thank you! We're all in this together! :smile:
  • Thanks for the comments! Yes, I had stumbled on the fact that MFP doesn't recalculate unless you update goals (I like playing around with software...) I suppose that some people have weekly meal-plans and would be thrown if they also weighed daily and goals changed, but it would be nice to have an option to update goals…
  • I'm originally from Jersey. When I lived in the US, people assumed I meant New Jersey. Umm... everywhere in the US called "New Whatever" is named after somewhere just called "Whatever." :happy: (Jersey is a small island off the coast of France.)
  • I'm only in my third week of MFP, but this is currently working for me. I pre-log a beer or a wine with my evening meal. If I'm really hungry during the day, I 'steal' those calories back to enable me to have a snack. If I've planned my day effectively and don't need the snack, then I get the booze!
  • Wow -- just the inspiration I needed today, as I'm in week three of the same special diet! (Although I've already gone over one day, as I was eating at a friend's house and really didn't want to offend the family...)
  • Hi! I'm new here too: I've got 4 stone to lose, and have made a good start. Don't fret if the weight loss slows down after the first fortnight, as the first stuff to disappear seems to be water that's been trapped in the body with salty foods. I've also heard that it's wise to keep above 1200 calories -- if you start…
    in Hello! Comment by Kargicq January 2014
  • Great going! I'm always looking for people who started at around the same time as me, to compare notes! Request sent.
  • Feel free to add -- I enjoy cooking, but don't do it as often as I'd like, as our hectic family life tends to mean that it's more often a question of feeding the troops before a mutiny breaks out. When my wife's away with work, I tend to resort to ready-meals. :ohwell:
  • I've just started (on my third week) -- lost about 3 kilos (6ish pounds) REALLY quickly and now it's settled down to just over a kilo per week (the target I set in 'goals', roughly 2 pounds). So I'm guessing the first bit was all water weight, etc!
  • Another point is that a US 'pint' is 16 fluid ounces, and a UK 'pint' is 20 fluid ounces -- but a US fluid ounce is 4% bigger than a UK one, argh! When I lived in the US for a while, I heard the rhyme "a pint's a pound the world around" which I always wanted to correct to "a pint of water weighs a pound in just one of the…
  • Hmm... I'm new here (only on my third week!) but have made my target every day so far. But, tonight, I have planned a meal with a movie and a couple of beers with a friend. I'm going to log what I can in advance, and guess 1000 calories for the meal, But I don't think of it as "cheating" -- to me, that would be not logging…
  • 42 and always happy to help... request sent!
  • I know the feeling (although I was never particularly healthy, I'm also fortysomething and fat with small kids). Just throw that food away! :ohwell:
  • Why aye! I'll do my best. Other Geordies (real or newcomers) -- and anyone else -- feel free to add me, by the way! :happy: