
  • Hi, I've just completed by 6th "fast" day which is 560 cals for me based on my level of activity etc. Work our your BMR there are free calculators available on line - it will help you fine tune the 5:2 to your requirements. I'm actually doing 4:3 as I only have a short time to shift approx 10-13lbs before my wedding in…
    in 5:2 Diet Comment by KilCARR January 2014
  • My wedding at the end of May 2014 but I have to be in top shape for my dress fitting in Feb (I'm having the dress made bespoke so I think my dress maker is going to be a bit peeved if I change shape too much between Feb and May) other than toning up! I'm going with a "dry" January 4:3 fasting and the Insanity programme -…