jenttifer Member


  • I've wondered the same thing. I thought high fiber, veges, and fruits were supposed to promote happy bowels, but since I've started eating healthier I have the exact same issue as you! I, too, drink plenty of water, and also figured it had to do with not eating enough fat. (I cut way back on the fat, too...eating more…
  • You may be surprised! I have gone out to eat with the plan to go all out and have a great time and realized that my eating habits have completely changed. I couldn't eat nearly as much as I used to be able to eat; I was more conscious of the food going in my mouth; I made good choices because the healthy food actually…
  • I try to think real hard about why I want that particular food. Usually it's after a long hard day and I feel like I "deserve" it. But why? These conversations with myself seem to help. Usually my answer is that I don't need it and in the end it won't make me feel better. Sometimes I do let myself give in, though, as long…
  • Swimming is a great exercise! Natural resistance and you hardly notice!
  • I would tell her how I felt about it, but don't get your hopes up to expect a huge change. This, unfortunately is part of growing up. I would suggest not fighting about it. My best friend from age 4 and I had the same big long blow out fight at your age....It's now 13 years later we're just now beginning to speak again,…
  • I mixed the peanut butter and nutella together one night, microwaved it for 8 seconds, and dipped a banana in it...delicious!!! :)
  • I try not to open my eyes much and don't turn on many lights, (or any, if possible). Sometimes I am not even sure if I really got up to pee or not...I'm so efficient with it that I don't even remember doing it!
  • You'll feel better at the end of the day knowing you were'll feel like crap if you give in. That's how I feel, anyway. I always think that eating those yummy goodies will make me feel good, but somehow the opposite is ALWAYS true! Be know you can do it! :)
  • I started at 1200 net calories a day and lost quite a few pounds, then starvation mode hit. I've increased my net calories a few times since losing more weight. At this point I try to keep mine between 1400-1500. Of course there are days when I'm closer to 1200-1300 and other days when I'm closer to 1600-1700. I've become…
  • I did mine this morning before work. It was actually the third day in a row I did it, but I'll count it as day one. I also like the first circuit the least...the second two not so bad. And...I now have rug burns on my knees....from doing my girly pushups!
  • I do my own veggie stir fry at home with just a little bit of bottled teriyaki sauce and brown rice. However, this is a lifestyle change for me, not a I do indulge every once in a while, (a long while!), and have the deep fried, calorie laden, sodium thick, brown sauce food that I love...then the craving goes…
  • I always forget the before and after pics...great idea, thanks for reminding me! And I wasn't sure either when you change from level to level...thanks for asking that question!
  • Recovery Room Nurse
  • I have been doing it for two days now. With the warm up and cool down it comes to about 27 minutes total for level 1. Around here level one is free on Comcast On Demand Exercise TV...I 'll have to buy the video when I get to level two. I have worn my heart rate monitor the last two days and I burn around 220 calories doing…
  • I only workout at home. I have found that when I join a gym I end up not going after a few just seems too out of the way. I also like the ease of doing my workout in the privacy of my own living room without worrying about other people and what they think...I end up being more free and trying more things. I can…
  • This post really intrigues me. I am planning in the next month or so to begin "trying". I have been feverishly trying to get back to a healthier weight prior to this pregnancy. I plan to continue using MFP during my pregnancy as well so I can only gain the right amount of weight. I figured when the time came I would ask my…
  • You're welcome! You did do a great job with the post and with your weightloss, as well! And you're right...I know if I get into something that is way too intense that I won't stick with has to be something that can easily be introduced into my current lifestyle. I think people jump in to really intense eating…
  • That's great!!! I noticed in my car that the seatbelt rubs my collar bone...that never stuck out until recently! I'm thinking I'll have to adjust that next time I get in the car. :)
  • Perfect! Just perfect! You summed this up perfectly! This sounds a lot like what I thing at a time, one day at a time. And now I look back and have no idea how I used to eat like I did. Not having veggies with dinner? That was CRAZY! My new habits are sure to stay with me because I did them slowly and eased into…
  • It could be low sugar, too. That can make you feel dizzy and strange. Take a banana with you or a nice sweet, but healthy snack.
  • I agree with the other posts. When you start to change what you eat and swap bad choices for good choices you'll be amazed at how many extra calories you'll have when you actually feel full! Nix the soda, slow down on the high carb foods, and try to change your carbs to whole grain foods, fruits and veggies. Fast food is…
  • It would definitely change my mind. I like menus with calorie counts listed.
  • I've been on the pill for 13 years and have lost large amounts of weight several times while on it. I also know that my weight gain over the years had nothing to do with the pill and everything to do with my lifestyle.
  • Or...serve your bigger cups at 25cents until you eliminate the competition, then raise the price little by little until you're back to where you wanted to be. It sounds so cut throat! Geez!
  • I had the same exact thing happen to me...and as scary as it was I increased my calories. YIKES! And it worked! I just changed my amount of weight to lose from 2lb per week to 1.5lb per week. That gave me more calories to eat per day, I wasn't hungry all the time anymore, and the weight began falling once again. It only…
  • I have this one and I love it, too! :)
  • I wouldn't. Those things are what I consider to be part of my daily activity of living...and they already account for those calories for you based on the activity level you entered upon starting.