esqueletica23 Member


  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter I consume pretty much 1200-1400 cal per day also. It goes up on the days I workout which I try to 5-6X a week. Do you measure everything? you really should for the first few months to get used to the portion control. When eating out, ask waitress to box half before you…
  • yes, unfortunately, a little more than what I would like. I will have about 4-5 drinks per week. Could be a couple of glasses of wine or vodka tonic. I am trying really hard to cut back but my group of friends all drink and so does my husband. How can I cut back and still enjoy my friends company all the time?
  • Hello everyone, I have been using my fitness pal for some months on and off now but as of now, I really want to do it on a daily basis and hope to see some results soon. It is a reality check once you start to measure everything that goes into your mouth and you see calories add up! Anyhow, I would love to see if anyone…
  • you can do it girl! keep up the great work!
  • Hello, I want to start too and lose inches not just lbs. I would like to start on Sept 1st for sure.