

  • Sorry I think my computer spazzed when previously posting :)
  • I wish that people could be more positive. Everyone seems to have an opinion to give but very few have any support to offer. Everyone is different and so is their journey. That being said even those who have lost a great deal of weight can relate. We all have moments where we hit a wall, whether it's the beginning of our…
  • I wish that people could be more positive. Everyone seems to have an opinion to give but very few have any support to offer. Everyone is different and so is their journey. That being said even those who have lost a great deal of weight can relate. We all have moments where we hit a wall, whether it's the beginning of our…
  • I think the FitBit is great if you are looking to analyze your day to day. If you are looking for data FitBit is the way to go. You will be able to locate correlations that possibly exist and perhaps make changes to see better data outputs. For example, you may see a correlation between certain foods and sleep and know to…