Forward: Your mileage may vary.... Probably, more than anything, you have to get over the hump of feeling hungry. Once you've gotten over this hump, you'll find your stomach has adjusted and you just won't crave as much food and you'll reach a state of being "content" (not "full") sooner and with healthier foods.
@gymnast2010 - No, that isn't correct. The link between salt and hypertension is tenuous at best. Further, you are absolutely incorrect that salt dehydrates you. If it dehydrated you, it wouldn't be every sports drink on the market. You probably should stop posting medical advice. The reason people have trouble losing…
There is no scientific evidence that sodium is bad for you.
Dill Pickle Spears. I eat about 5-6 of them. They are 5 calories of nothing each. Some of them rate as zero calories.