I try to go by how my clothes fit, I get obsessed with the scale and if it doesn't move when I think it should I become very discouraged. Or I try to only weigh myself on a weekly basis. I think what makes you feel better is the best solution for this!
feel free to add me, I just joined and am wanting to lose around 75:smile:
that's great advice.....i just started my journey to a "new me" 2 weeks ago, I am following an exercise plan as well as a low calorie diet which is a drastic change to my "old" lifestyle....the scale is not moving like I thought it would but I will not give up!!!
Hi There: This site was recommended to me by a friend at the gym. I got a gym membership for the first time in over a decade. I have been battling my weight for several years and have come to a point where I didn't want to continue to look like this. I have been faithfully going to the gym since January 2nd and watch and…