

  • You need to increase your calories, especially doing so much exercise. Increase your calories to 1450 and you will almost certainly start losing again.
  • Im a 50 yr old lady, swimming three times a week and really seeing the benefits. But Ive been told that because swimming isnt weight bearing, that I need to be doing some other form of strength training to ensure bone density. What are your thoughts on that?
  • Hi there - Im a bit older than you, but still on the same journey/have the same reasons for losing weight!! I started mid-July and it has been really slow progress (ten pounds), despite sticking to my 1200 calories and exercising three times a week. I lost the first six pounds really quickly, but then got stuck which was…
  • Thank you! You are right, its not 'only' .... and not its a huge ten pounds! Im more motivated than ever, and Ive got ankles back. Im definitely changing shape and people are noticing so that is motivational too.....
  • The same has happened to me - I lost ten pounds really quickly, but then didnt lose anything for nearly four weeks despite sticking to 1200 calories and going swimming three times a week and exercising on the other days. I have increased my daily calorie intake to 1500 and I have started losing again, and definitely…