Treacheiro Member


  • Onions, bell peppers, chicken, garlic, salsa, and the whole spice rack (as Georgie mentioned above).
  • Confession #1: I have a horrible time reaching my protein goals most days even though it's only 25% of my macros and yet nearly every day I go over on my carb %. Even though I'm cutting how much I eat, much of it is still carb laden :( Confession #2: I don't drink enough. Of anything. Most of what I drink is plain water…
  • I didn't intend for my reply to be "everyone's telling me to change everything I eat" it was a comment about my past. I do see a lot of posts telling me to stop whining and exercise. I put my activity level at stationary because I only work 3-4 days of the week, on those days I am up and down a ladder and using my arms all…
  • I don't expect sympathy from anyone and I admitted to one of my flaws outright. I make no pretenses about myself, I know I'm not doing what is right by adding exercise and changing everything I eat. I am only asking for advice on small changes that may help me speed up the process. If I wanted to change everything I eat…
  • Hello! I'm new here as well and I think this is a great idea. I would like to join your group :).