I'd just insert oatmeal or cereal into the breakfast slot and you'll find your cravings are not as strong. I find that if there is something moving in my system I don't get as caught up in the sugar cravings. I am a soda pop junky and every time I fall off the wagon and start gaining weight it's because of that habit. Food…
Don't worry too much about carbs from something like oatmeal, cereal or porridge. It's a purely beneficial breakfast and 1/2 of dry oats in water or milk with a piece of fruit is possibly one of the best breakfasts you can start a day with. Assuming the rest of your day is just as healthy the only thing you can do is…
If you don't mind the taste it's a fantastic alternative. Save whole colas for cheat days. A lot of people don't realize that regular soda drinkers aren't necessarily looking to cold turkey their favorite bubbly beverages.