I used to get this way. It fades with time. Especially, if you become a gym regular and the staff starts getting to know you by name. Then it can feel really welcoming.
Hey-o! I've already lost over 90lbs, and still want to drop at least another 40, if not another 60. Feel free to add me if you're looking for more friends!
Another one here that anyone is welcome to add!
You've likely been pinged but you oddly remind me of catwoman, so villain it is! (Technically...)
Glad to have given a laugh at least.
This whole past month, tbh:
I can't wait for the day when... my body weight/strength ratio is reversed (I'm really strong, but not very strong in comparison to my body weight).
I would love some "mass cooking" ideas! I mass cook chicken about twice a week, but I've stuck with some really generic recipes and basically eat almost the same thing every day unless I go out to lunch or dinner with a friend.
Why not Zoidberg? I mean... Hello! Add away if you so desire!
I highly agree with this poster. As someone who adjusted their MFP ratios I've found great success so far with a protein ratio close to 40% of my daily caloric intake (about Carbs 30%, and about fats 30%), but this will also depend largely on your body as every body is different. I'd also warn not to go too low on carbs…
Got dragged to one once, I was super embarrassed and blushing the entire time. Nothing against strippers, I just felt super out of place. HYE worn those cat eye contacts?
She couldn't accept that I could love them both!
This sounds amazing.
I don't even bother with the hole poking that many others do. I just wash the skin well, and toss it in the microwave for a time appropriate to the size of the potato then pull it out and eat it as is. I don't have a big sweet tooth, so they taste pretty sweet to me just as they are. I used to love slathering them with…