

  • I have the same problem with not eating enough calories. My mind set is that, the least amount of calories I eat the more weight I'll lose. this is wrong though right?..Two years ago I cut myself way back on calories and in about two months I lost 15 pounds. I was 14 at the time and was eating between 800 and 1000 calories…
  • I'm 5'3" so not far off I guess. I weigh 140 and weigh the most I ever have! I've grown up with friends who can eat whatever they want whenever they want and not have to worry about fitting into their jeans the next day. One of my friends and I have decided to lose weight. We both wanna look great in our itsy bitsy teeny…
  • Hey everyone!! I've been doing this for a few weeks but didn't really know what i was doing at first. I'm getting the hang of it now:)