

  • I asked my fam to make me a "health basket" filled with fruits, gum, and makeup. Its family tradiion to exchange baskets even if the Easter bunny is no more ;) But... Im not going to be a Scrooge. Im cooking a ham dinner and there's no way im making myself choke down a salad while they drool over a juicy ham! Its a holiday…
  • Salad, fish, chicken, vegetable-based dishes. The items with the least ingredients are typically the best and I always pick grilled over fried to save fat and calories. My fast food fave is Panera bread's You Pick 2 meal. Half a turkey sandwich + Half a salad = 300 calories or so.
  • I know what you mean! I feel like if I eat over my calorie allotment reguardless of how much I exercised that Im going to get fat. My allotment is 1200 per day too... Id say stock up of fruits and veggies and if you must eat out go to a Panera or Wegmans where you can buy a salad or something healthy and low-calorie. :)
  • I have a Sony Walkman mp3 that holds both video and music but I dont think it matters what kind you get as long as your earbuds are good. There is nothing in this world more annoying than trying to run while your earbuds are falling out!! Get some sport style earbuds that hook around your ears so they stay in place :)
  • Hey everyone has a moment of weakness sometime! You just get back up and try again to hit back stronger!!!! :) Make a pact that you will allow yourself one junk food splurge a week and no more that way you'll eat it guilt free and not feel like your starving yourself. Also use the money you save and put it towards a…