

  • We can do this girls ! I'm getting married August 9. I have 20 lbs to lose as well... Already lost 40. So I know where you're coming from. It's totally doable. The best thing for me was to get a personal trainer. It could eighter be a friend who's in shape or someone at the gym, but the weekly meeting really saved me and…
  • August 9 as well !!! Let's get in the best shape of our lives girls !!! :)
    in August 2014 Comment by jujulili May 2014
  • I go to this amazing site called happyherbivore... I don't know if you know it already ? it's great. I also bought 2 of their cookbooks. Hope it helps! ;)
  • Hey! i'm in the same boat here... I'm also doing lots of outdoors and sports, trying to eat as clean as possible even though it can be hard sometimes... I've lost 45 lbs since january, I really want to lose the last 10-15 before christmas... I'm getting married in a little less than a year and i'm looking for…
  • Hey there ! I think it's a great thing that you've restarted your account. To this day, this is the thing that's worked for me. I lost a lot of weight with it and i'm still working hard to lose those last 11 lbs. Remember that there's nothing holding you back. You can and you will lose the weight. Nothing can stop you from…
  • Hi ! Feel free to add me as well !! I still have 28 lb to loose !