Thanks for sharing this! I'll check your recipes. I've also found another weight loss blog that has some amazing recipes and meal ideas. It also provides exercise tips and nutrition advice as well as real life stories from dieters. The meal ideas featured on this blog are healthy and delicious. I also find them very easy…
Natural peanut butter is a great choice. It's rich in protein, essential fats, and dietary fibre. If you're on a tight budget, regular peanut butter is fine. Make sure it doesn't have too much sugar. You’ve said that both types of peanut butter have the same amount of calories, but you should also check how much…
The best way to overcome a weight loss plateau is to change your workout routine or your diet. Do you exercise? Try to add more cardio. At the same time, reduce your daily calorie intake. It should work. If you need help, I can show you a weight loss blog that offers many useful tips on healthy eating, fitness, dieting,…
The sugar in fruit is called fructose. The human body doesn't make the difference between refined sugar and fructose. So if you eat fruits, you can easily exceed your daily carbs. Kiwi, berries, and avocado have less sugar, making them a better choice. If you want to lose weight or you follow a low carb diet, try to avoid…
Most dieters face this problem sooner or later. You should either eat more fiber rich foods (especially green leafy vegetables). Eat as many veggies as you wish. They make great snacks and have only a few calories.