

  • I LOVE Egg Beaters 100% Whites. They're kind of expensive, but a little goes a long way as far as hunger goes. I fry up a quarter cup (only 32 Calories not counting the oil), and put it on top of some baby spinach or arugula. Throw in some feta or mozzarella, and you have a breakfast that'll keep you going for hours, and…
  • I'm definitely sending a request. This is like my 3rd try at this sort of thing. I tried Sparkpeople first, and it was a bust; I was just too shy to add anyone. Having support is definitely the way to go.
  • I'm really new to MFP as well! I feel really strange just adding random people, but I could really use the support. I don't have a real need to lose weight, but I'm trying to limit calories and tone up in order to stay healthy.