Sounds amazing!! Thanks so much! :)
Have you tried practicing enforcing your diaphragm while sitting, by using your lower abdominals to pull in you lower abdominals towards your back, straightening your posture to sitting tall , shoulders back in intervals? I did that after surgery and it helped for sure! Tried it while driving, at work, and at home during…
Palm sugar is a great substitute for white sugar. It has the ability to balance your blood sugars instead of the yo-yo effect that white sugar has, helping with weight loss by balancing the blood sugars, and has minerals essential for your body, and can be used in every way sugar is... Including making toffee and chocolate…
As someone who has clinical experience, and personal experience in diet, I encourage you to lower calories, focus on WHERE those calories come from, increase whole foods that are organic, low in sodium and low on the glycemic scale, high in whole grain and especially non chemically treated protein sources. You described…