

  • Babes stay away from those canned beans!!!! Sugars and preservatives. Look you have taken the first step and the hardest... Acknowledgement. Check out my meals because I'm at 1200 a day. I'm not always perfect but I've lost 10 lbs in 4 weeks. You can do it!!! Oh and get that broccoli outta that drink :P use spinach or kale…
  • I agree with a lot of advice given here. 1.) Put what you want to eat in your calorie counter, if its too high, opt for what you KNOW are healthier options. 2.) Hot and Sour soup! 80% water will fill you up a bit so you dont go crazy :) 3.) Green Tea ;) 4.) Veggie heavy dishes. I just had broccoli beef (5.4 oz = 120…