

  • Yes! Exactly! Fit lean and sexy don't have a weight scale or else we would say wow you look like 125 lbs! What we all want is just to feel healthier, really everything else is just..."icing"
  • Don't panic! Low Thyroid is better then no Thyroid! Yes low thyroid has a ton of possible side effects. That doesn't mean you will get all of them, or any of them, besides which you are getting medicien so that you will hopefully not be hypothyroid in the future. If you had problems with weight gain, acne or severe…
  • :smile: hi I am new to your group. I had my Thyroidectomy late last year and gained 25 pounds in the month of December. Yikes. Since then, I have had the monthly lab tests and so far they just keep upping the dosage and tell me I am still Hypothyroid. Since my comanders in the Army gives me a year to get this under control…
  • get a watch/pacer. I felt like I was really sedentary and never had time for excercise. Now every time I look at my watch I also look at how many steps I have taken and projected calories lost. It gives me a real happy boost, and I have found that I find more and more excuses to walk/run and try to beat last weeks top…