sacausillas Member


  • My boyfriend and I go to Cosco, Gordon's Food Service, Kroger and sometimes Walmart and buy in bulk as often as we can. This helps with the cost of prepping, which is pretty low anyway. We bought about 10lb of individually frozen cod yestrday for $30, which at 6oz a meal is about 25 meals. I eat a basic 3 meals a day, and…
  • I marinate like 5 lb of chicken and make it on the weekend to spread out through the week, so what was really yummy on Monday, is a pain to stomach after being eaten for lunch and dinner til Thursday. My boyfriend basically does the same thing and he recommended using different sauces, I put it in a ramekin to better know…
  • Haha @tedrickp that gif made my day!! Also, I'd say skewers - usually under appetizers - would be a good bet. You might be able to get the sauce on the side of some dishes?
  • I just started here, (first post, woo!) and I've been having this problem! I love cooking and eating, but I work two jobs so it's a little bit difficult. What's really helped is prepping, which my boyfriend does as well. The difference between he and I is that I like my food to taste good ;) For instance, last night I made…