HmSkillit Member


  • There are times when a loss will come after about 3-4 days of healthy eating and exercise. On a typical day, I gain about 3 lbs from morning to night. I am very consistent with my weigh-ins, always in the morning, after I've used the bathroom and wearing almost nothing or nothing at all. Sometimes, you retain water,…
  • I always try to fuel any exercise. I really hate the intense hunger that comes post-workout if I didn't eat before. For me, it can be as simple as a protein shake or fruit. I used to replenish after, by drinking a protein shake on the drive home. Otherwise, I'd end up overeating. I guess you find what works for you. If you…
  • I have posted in a few topics, not one friend request. are doing awesome, keep up the hard work!
  • I am one that gets great motivation from weighing-in daily. However, I also know that because I am a woman, my weight will fluctuate 2-3 lbs. at any given time. Monthly cycle, exercise habits, eating changes, water gain/ name it, it can affect that number. I don't consider any amount an actual gain or loss unless…
  • Whenever I detox from refined sugar, I have cravings for about a week, then I'm good from there. I would never cut out fresh fruit. There's a lot more than sugar in fruit, your body needs it all. Eating healthy does not require you to be miserable. Weight loss is best done slowly, while learning good habits. Make the right…
  • Keep eating healthy, exercising and you will see those areas slim down. Even if you gain strength. It's time you take measurements and stop depending on the scale for your results. As good muscle tone replaces the fat, the scale isn't always going to give you the motivation you desire. You're in a healthy lifestyle, so…
  • I'd let her know that if she doesn't eat it, and I throw it away...she's not getting anything else. That's what I've always done, as long as the food prepared was something I knew the kid liked. I don't like to waste, but it happens. Better in the trash than on my waist!