Couple weeks back at the gym A guy was doing nose crushers with 25ibs plates on both side. so basically he has them on a curling bar (no clamps) setting on his lap he goes to lay his back on the bench but was too far on the left side and ended up sliding off the bench and onto the floor he than complained that the bench…
Weight train upper body and lots of lower body cardio and you'll get the illusion of a bigger upper body to out way lower body
Go green!!!! No meat, no dairy Cholesterol is my meanest friend and watch the carbs for triglycerides. : )
Just set in the sun so your fat will melt away.
Hi, I think your husband should try to support you or at least make it easier for you, Why you may ask? because I myself was like him. I to can eat what I want and what not, The Thing I realized people have their own way to get motivated some people need none So my wife is the type that get easily sucked in to bad so I had…
A good replacement for carb are protein shakes good for ya and keeps ya full :wink:
WOW you lost a lot and it definitely shows AWESOME job!!!!:wink:
2 cups of Broccoli cuts! mmm with lil salt and butter and that is it for me:wink: