"Imaginary Lovers"
What's the Latin for: "Old testament PITA"
Wow. Great to see this old thread resurrected. So many people with so much to be proud of.
I'm 30 years to old for that job...but I'd try! For you...I'm thinking, Radio talk show host for relationship advice.
Spokesperson for Ab Blaster.
John Goodman's stunt double.
Llama Breeder
As a matter of health, I can't see giving up dairy. For religious reasons, if you choose to give it up, shouldn't you just deal with the loss of those items during Lent? Isn't that kind of the point. I gave up giving things up for lent 30 years ago, so maybe I'm out of touch.
Was that your dog I just ran over? (true story)
Face says "You only THINK you can handle this."
BTW, the hunky guy is a catfishing picture. Can't get it to display the real me.
@taylortaylorgb Smile and eyes...I'm sure she's heard that before.
Peeves: The government spying on me "for my own good." Phobias: I fear I have nothing interesting for the NSA to read. Oddities: None. It's the rest of you people who are nuts.
"Dude! Get off! You can't make babies that way!"
Posts too many sexy pics on the internet.
I absolutely would NOT tell her about my vasectomy. No point ruining the fun when humanity is over with in any event.
Headline: "Muskrat Suzie leaves Muskrat Sam"
Impossible to remove the risk entirely. I just don't want my noise coming up on a page that has my employer's name on it. Also, I would never friend a co-worker.
I don't even list my current employer on facebook. No need taking the chance that some off the cuff idiotic statement I make could ever be associated with my employer. Doesn't matter if it's fair or not. It's reality.
Pretty sure she finally got tired of that damn silly hat.
Aids are paid crap. Locally it's generally a touch above minimum wage...and recently, in one district at least, all hours were cut so there would be no obligation to provide health insurance. I understand where the school district is coming from on this. Most have no problem with your "private life" as long as it is…
BTW, those aren't "Sugar Babies." They're prostitutes. Not that I have any problem with a girl earning her living/education on her back, if she so chooses, it's just that "sugar" coating selling your body for money doesn't change the nature of the transaction.
I would, but old, bald, gray-bearded co-eds are in severely limited demand.