

  • I drink a lot of water. It really, really, really helps me stay feeling full and I have more energy now. I used to only drink diet dr. pepper and felt awful and hungry all the time. Also, most people need more than just 8 cups of water a day, especially if you're overweight. A doctor I used to work with told all of his…
  • I need to lose around 120 lbs, also. We can do it :) I'm super focused
  • Wow, I can see a difference! You look great!
  • I hate water, also, but find if I get it really cold, and add some lemon or other fruit to it, I can tolerate it. I drink a lot of that right now. I'll have a cup or two of coffee in the mornings. I'm trying to kick my coke zero habit, so I might have one of those a day, but I'm trying hard not to.
  • I'm officially using the scale at the doctor's office and it shows a different weight than the one I have at home, so I'll only be recording my weight once a week. I do "peek" at what my scale says in the mornings when I first get up, though