

  • I think by not eating breakfast it can really slow down your metabolism which will slow down your weight loss. I've heard that drinking a hot/warm glass of water with juice from 1/2 a lemon in it will kick-start your metabolism in the morning. Maybe you could at least do that and see if it helps.
  • You can't change what you don't acknowledge so at least you know what you have to do! This is a great place to start! Good luck!
  • Don't give up! Your daughter is worth it and deserves to have you around as long as possible! I have lost and gained weight since I was 40 (54 now) and now that I have two beautiful grandsons, I am determined to eat healthier. You can't beat yourself up if you fall off the track once in a while; you just have to start…
  • Hi! Just found out about this website this afternoon and am going to start counting calories in the morning. I know it is important to journal what you eat and I'm hoping this will help me be more accountable (especially since my daughter and daughter-in-law are my friends on here)! LOL. Good luck everyone!