

  • That is my huge challenge right now is exercising inside the home. I don't have any really good DVD's to use so I have been putting on music and stepping up and down the stairs to get the heart rate up. Its kind of boring and not really effective but at least I am moving. LOL There is no way I am walking out there in…
  • Good luck with the YWCA in Mpls ahende. I hope you can become a member and be able to use it. I would love to join the club down the street but for now I will have to make due with what I have. Exercising in the home is really hard to do and to stay motivated doing. I think it would help if I had better DVDs to use. I…
  • I have went ahead and added as friends the individuals that have requested. Thank you so much for letting me know you would like to be buddies. It always is very helpful to not have to do this alone but to have the support of like minded people. I love to walk. This time of year it is very difficult to walk with negative…
  • I was wondering what you are doing for exercise? This is the biggest challenge for me is to find a way to exercise effectively with no equipment and no membership. I have tried this dance exercise DVD but its not very good and it only goes for 30 mins. Most dance DVD's are for Wii or Xbox which I don't have. Been trying to…
  • LOL. I can feel the heat wave out there! Its been too cold to actually leave my home. Hopefully after this next blast of frigid air it will start to warm up and winter will be over. I am going to add you as a friend as soon as I figure out how. I just jointed the site earlier in the week. Congrats on the 62 pound weight…