maryseb63 Member


  • There is so many different options and kinds of veggies and fruits that I don't see the point of eating something I don't like. Not that I hate many foods,, well, I can't eat liver. That I would never eat.
  • I like to hear about your progress as we seem to be doing the same thing when it comes to exercising and eating back your calories. Works for me too. I usually eat about half back. And I usually lose on average 1. to 1.5 a week. You're doing so great. To me taking the time to measure and weigh is worth it.
  • I'm on every day, always looking for friends for motivation and support. This is a lifelong journey so might as well enjoy it.
  • I find that I eat over my calories every day, but have my exercise calories so don't worry about it. For losing 1 lb a week i'm at 1300 calories which I always go over. I do lose on average closer to 2 a week though. You have this program down pat. You are always doing so great.
  • Let's splurge and make it a glass of wine :)
  • LoL, I started in January and most of the friends I made then are long gone :)
  • I ignore most of those things. Been around the block a few times and have always had the attitude eat right and healthy and exercise and make it a part of your life and it works. Never been into "diets" I kinda just ignore all the rest. I don't bother replying as I like to encourage but am not pushy at all. And I love all…
  • I've been using it since I found the website. I had been using the app for a few months before I realized that the webiste had so much more to offer. It can be a bit of work as it needs tweaking but love using it.
  • Hey, I get the healthy part. Was same with me, the added bonus is losing weight. I just got off 4 meds, including BP meds.Sent you a friend request.
  • If you log your walk, it may give you the active minutes?
  • YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE. And second of all, you have not ruined 3 weeks of hard work. You have worked out, you have made yourself stronger. It could be muscle. That is a lot of exercise. And you must be feeling better just because of it. This is a journey that will take your whole life. Love yourself and take it a day at a…
  • We are all so different. To make this journey a part of my life I couldn't go without my treat at night. Most nights I have my popcorn and sometimes that is just an hour or so before my bedtime. It has not hindered my weight loss at all. If I find i'm depriving myself, I will fail at this.
  • I had to put away clothes that I had bought after I started losing weight because those are too big, so 1 pair of jeans and a dress, only worn maybe 5, 6 times. And for the first time I am wearing size 13 in skirts and shorts. Was wearing 22 last year.
  • I started at 275 about 7 months ago and am down to 199. I never thought I would see 100's again in my life. But it is not easy as you probably know. You have to want it and work at it. You have to get up every day and know that you have to put in the time and exercise. And you CANNOT STARVE YOURSELF. You have to eat…
  • That is great that you are working and seem to be starting out slow, cutting pop out is always a good thing. There is a lot of info on here and support if you are looking for that. Just one thing, you have as your title "11 to 12 month journey". I am not sure what you mean by that, but this is a lifetime journey, you have…
  • I just started on fitbit last week. If anyone wants to add me, I average 10000 to 15000 steps a day
  • I'm always looking for friends. I am on every day logging and take the time to comment and read friends post. I have lost 74 lbs and have 51 to go. I am 51, retired and have no excuse not to exercise every day and prepare healthy meals. Add me if you are looking for support and encouragement.
  • I always send out a blurb when I send a friend request, and have my profile open with pic. only common courtesy. When I am sending a request I check profile to see what we have in common, age, or weight or interest. If profile is blocked im not interested.
  • The low calorie things, greens is fine to just guess, but if you have a bunch of high calorie things, I would put them all in individually to make sure I am close to the calories. Easy thing to do is take a picture of it, so when I get home I can check to make sure I put it all in. May sound silly but ive been called worse…
  • Sweets are my downfall also. I have to quit that completely or I will falter.I use to buy cases a pop weekly, went from 6 to 7 a day, was diet cola but still not good for you, down to 1. I used to bake but have stopped completely as hubby doesnt eat sweets and kids and family are not around anymore so would just be for me.
  • Hi, it's not easy but you will feel so much better about yourself and the energy that you will get will be incredible. Try to turn your being at home into a positive. Gives you the time to work out. Slow start but keep building from that. I am retired at 50 and hubby works out of town, so I spend at least a few hours a day…
  • Hi, I have been on MFP for the last 5 months. I have lost over 65 lbs so far, so have another 60 to go. I'm on here everyday logging and trying to be encouraging. I have good and bad days and always looking for new friends.
  • It all depends on you, what you are capable of doing. We all start at different stages. I started 4 months ago, and if I did 3 mph and up to 4 incline I was one happy girl :), now I do up to 4 mph and get to the max incline on my machine. Do what you can. As for what I do while on treadmill is record from youtube…
  • Alberta here, originally from Northwestern Ontario. And a Habs fan, if things don't change over the next 20 minutes, that's it for hockey for me this year. :(
  • It's a great site. Had started just with the app and didn't even know about the webiste community.Great to see how people are doing. I started with 125 to lose and now down 50. It can be done but it takes determination and most of all, to enjoy the journey. I found that eating healthy can be great if you find things that…
  • SW: 275 CW: 231.2 GW: 226 Weigh in Dates: 5/01 Thu: 231.2 5/03 Sat: 229.8 5/10 Sat: 228 5/17 Sat: 5/24 Sat: End of Month (5/31 Sat): Total weight lost: Should be able to get to my goal for the month, but seems to be getting harder all the time, glad that I am enjoying my daily exercises.
  • It has to click inside to get you started. I know that it is the way it is for me. Just think of how you will feel, your health will be much better for it. It is not a race but a journey. Add me as a friend, I am here every day, logging my food and exercise, reading posts and commenting on friends posting. It's a community…
  • It's a great site for calories but also for support. Have been on it for about 3 months and find it a great add on to my new lifestyle. Add me as a friend if you are looking for encouragement and support.
    in New member Comment by maryseb63 May 2014
  • Thought I would join this group. I know it is the 3rd but I have an app that I weigh in daily so will take my numbers from there. SW: 275 CW: 231.2 GW: 226 Weigh in Dates: 5/01 Thu: 231.2 5/03 Sat: 229.8 5/10 Sat: 5/17 Sat: 5/24 Sat: End of Month (5/31 Sat): Total weight lost:
  • I make this soup once a week. Healhty, quick and delicious. Ingredients 1 pound leeks (white portion only), thinly sliced 1 pound carrots, coarsely chopped 2 teaspoons butter 1/2 teaspoon curry powder 4 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper Directions In a large saucepan, saute leeks and…