Unless you're injecting anabolic drugs and the likes, as a female, you will never be able to be very bulky, your body just can't produce the required hormones. So don't be afraid of lifting, as It will just make you prettier. Also, as for your friend, if she is noticing a rapid increase in weight then she is just getting…
You can gain muscle if you're a beginner..
What I would recommend is to do what that woman said (3 days of lifting with High Intensity cardio) and on off days do some low intensity steady state cardio, eg. go for a walk or a slow jog, ride a bike, or anything that will not tax your system much and that you can easily maintain for an hour or so.
Eat proper food and cut the herbalife. Get your veggies, whole grains, legumes, proteins and essential fats. And eat more than 1200 calories.
Stop taking multivitamins, you are wasting time and money. If you eat fruits and veggies you don't need them