hexe666 Member


  • I converted the messurements given, 6'3 and weighs approx 156 pds. I am a 6 foot female and at 156, I would be extremely thin. I don't think the calorie intake given is sufficent to support the work outs and desire to bulk up.
  • You can calculate your own. There is a function under the food section of MFP. You add all of the ingredients and it will calculate it for you.
  • I find the best motivation is to have running partners. I recently joined a training program but I have also found a ton of running groups in my area It motivates me to know that there is someone counting on me to show up. Try Meetup.com
  • I recently joined a training group in my area, so not for a marathon. I just googled my area and found a ton of groups. We meet twice a week, run together and talk about training issues we encounter. It's a great way to learn more about running and also find running partners.
  • Do it with your kids!! Depending on their age there is a ton of possiblities. Speed walking while pushing a stroller. Have them ride their bikes while you walk or ride with them. My kids used to play in the grass while I walked the track. Or do work out tapes at home. Not only can it be fun (and yes, annoying at times) but…