I eat a lot of bad food, and if I didn't have such a fast metabolism/slim build I'd be fat. That's what I mean eat like a fat person. I feel lucky I'm not fat. I was really out of shape IMO but I didn't think that fully encapsulated the problem I was talking about. Also I went to take some pictures to give people an idea.…
I can while standing up too I just get a lot less of it. This would be easier if I could post a picture. Would that be appropriate?
I think its a good term for what I have going on. I'm skinny but deep down I eat like a fat person and sometimes I feel fat. I also have a gut even though you can't see it when I have my shirt on.
I have not had my body fat tested where would I do that? My body fat is most apparent in my gut. I have a layer of fat over my abs that I can easily grab when sitting down. I don't really have love handles or any of that. I'm not a really bad skinnyfat guy but I believe it describes my body type pretty well. I was in…
Skinnyfat is where you're not overweight but you're still kinda "fat". I'm really out of shape but I'm fortunate enough to not gain weight. Shaggy would be skinnyfat.