

  • Well welcome back. We are all here for you and for one another.
  • Shala, I am in the same boat. I need some friend and people for inspiration and encouragement. I will send you an add request. I have a long journey ahead and it will be nice to have people along the way the know what I am going through.
  • Hi everyone, my name is Nicole. I just joined MFP. I finally decided that I wanted to get all this weight off. I know I can do it just need to stay focused. I have thought many times about surgery but have for one reason or another decided against it. I am going to to this the old fashion way. With sheer will power and…
  • You are an inspiration to me and probably many others. I have started a very similar journey myself and it is people like you and many others that give me the motivation and inspiration I need. Thank you and congrats an your amazing journey.