vanilla045 Member


  • I'm not doing C25k but just for exercise in general I take my puffer before I work out. It helps tremendously. I could never do uphill without feeling like I was dying but taking the puffer before makes it manageable. And I find as I get more in shape it gets even easier.
  • I want to lose at least 100lbs. I've set a timeline of a year for my quest. I'd love to be any help I can be, cuz Lord knows I need help.
  • Yes, those are good suggestions. I'm not ignoring them, I'm just not acknowledging them because I already do some of them. I go for walks with my kids, we dance around the house, I did strap my kid to me before he got to big for the carrier i have. I'll be honest, I never thought of using a baby gate or play pen even…
  • The night time /sleep issue isn't because I don't want to be alone, it's the kids. My 3yo fights bedtime. It's like he's scared he's going to miss something if he goes to sleep. It's been a battle since he was born. With my husband gone so frequently they stick extra close to me. It leaves me with very little/no alone time…
  • [/quote] You're not going to find a lot of touchy-feely sympathy in these forums, but you will find good, honest, no-sugar-added advice. [/quote] I wasn't looking for touchy-feely sympathy but I was looking for legitimate (or at the very least humourous) suggestions to help keep me motivated instead of being attacked for…
  • I know it's not impossible. I'm trying to find a way. I'm just feeling slightly discouraged with the unsuccessful attempts I have made. I posted in hopes of getting some refreshed ideas so I don't just quit and give up.
  • It's a post i've been working on for about a week now, which is why it is long and whiny. It contains a week worth of frustration and stress. I managed to post it because it is a rare occasion that my husband took both kids for a drive to visit his parents and I'm enjoying being by myself.
  • Occasionally my 1yo will nap but it's getting rare. My boys are friggin' farmers. Awake and asleep with the sun. We do go for walks but we live in a very rural area so we don't have nice maintained sidewalks, just the road to walk along side of. I sometimes drive to town (20 minutes away) to go for walks there at the parks…