

  • I was wondering why I wasn't losing but I think your on to something with weighing my food. I have to go get a scale. I've lost 13 lbs but have been stuck. Then again, I have just started working out again due to some health issues so maybe that will help move that scale. I know I am losing inches because I'm back into…
  • I'm new to fitness pal but certainly not new to weight loss. I weighed 292 lbs last time I started this journey and made it to 210 but then had some health problems which led me back to 250 lbs which is where I started this time on fitness pal. I'm juggling 3 people on this weight loss path. My husband who is newly…
  • I'm 5'6" and started 6 days ago at 250.2 lbs. This morning I weighed 244.1 lbs. I need to lose about 90 lbs to be where the Doctor says I should be. I too am on medication that makes you gain and retain weight and am also post menopausal. I've been walking for 20 minutes, 3 times this week and we, as a family are joining…