mmapags Member


  • You insisted on this point in other threads. Why? What exactly is the difference metabolically and physiologically?? Does intentionally calling it "Intermittent Fasting" change the outcome?
  • I think this is the kind of study you are referring to: As you get leaner, a large deficit puts you in danger of exceeding the amount of body fat you can access and utilize in a day. Then...lean mass gets sacrificed.
  • This is an international site. The likelihood of finding a trainer in your area is pretty slim. You might want to try facebook pages in your area.
  • Lol, you may be right. But try and sell that to my lovely bride who has to deal with the fallout of that in the middle of the night. :D
  • Yeah, I get it. Like some kinda of rationale for various things like "I'm too fat" or "I'm thin but out of shape" or sometimes even, "I've got body dismorphia and bad posture". Or whatever one chooses... Kind of silly really.
    in Fat loss Comment by mmapags June 2020
  • What is the alternative. Slow, steady and healthy or not at all? If you don't do it slow steady and healthy it seems you have 2 choices: Stay overweight or do it in a way that can damage your health. How do those alternatives sound? You really need to take a hard look and your mind set and attitude toward this process.
  • If keto is a way you enjoy eating and it helps you stay on plan in a sustainable way, great. But is has no metabolic advantage over any other form of calorie restriction if protein and calories and the same. One benefit that some report is that it blunts hunger and cravings and that can be a real help if someone struggles…
  • I find napa cabbage much nicer to use from a culinary point of view. A little more interesting flavor and texture and more digestible and can be eaten raw without gas from the indigestible saccarides and fiber. A great texture added to a salad.
  • This is one of the primary reason I log on Chron these days. More verified and curated entries for better accuracy.
  • Weird. I agree with you and others that suggest he isn't skinny fat at all. He is at or near the BMI line of overweight and likely not in a calorie deficit. But you know, lately there just seems to be some who irrationally disagree with all kinds of fairly innocuous things...
    in Fat loss Comment by mmapags June 2020
  • There is your right old motivational kick up the backside.
  • Protein should be 1 gram per lb of lean body mass. Or .8 grams of body weight if LBM is not known. Beyond that there is a diminishing rate of return for benefits. When bulking, most people who are already lifting are hitting their protein target. So, the increase comes from crabs, which is protein sparing. As I see it,…
  • Vintage! So glad you are back my friend.
  • BMR is not maintenance level. It is subsistence level. If you laid in bed all day and did nothing, you would burn your BMR. So, if you are set at BMR plus 602 calorie burn from exercise (how? What exactly are you doing to get that burn?) and not eating back exercise calories, you are at likely over a 1000 calorie per day…
  • And you are logging accurately using a food scale?
  • How long has this rate of loss happened?
  • Exactly. I don't find that strength has any impact on my appetite at all.
  • I actually put more emphasis on measurements than on scale weight. The only real goal I have is to get to a 35 inch or less waist. I am at 36 right now and down from over 41. Remember, measurement can fluctuate a little with water weight. So, don't freak out if one day it's up from what it's been. I can notice a variation…
  • MFP's system is designed for exercise calories to be eaten. That being said, some of the estimates in the database are too generous. Many start by only eating some % of them for awhile and track results and adjust if necessary.
  • Grilled zucchini, carrots and red onions sprinkles with parmaiana reggiano. Grilled chicken thighs. Tortillas al mano, hand made tortillas on the side.
  • Maybe if you had been more specific with more detail from the beginning, you wouldn't have gotten the pushback.
  • You mean someone won't hit a protein target and then have all the rest of their calorie from pure sugar. I'm shocked!! I though this happened all the time. Now I know what I've been doing wrong all this time...
  • If you plan making claims but not listing your sources, plan on having your claims challenged. For all anyone knows, you are making it all up. Have fun entertaining yourself chasing down vague rabbit holes.
  • Seems to be consistent. Make a claim and not substantiate is with any detail...
  • The only weight loss benefit to IF is that it helps some people comply with their calorie goal. Nothing else. No magic weight loss benefit. It doesn't reset your metabolism or anything else. It is an eating schedule for calorie compliance. Period. Weight/ fat is lost be a calorie deficit. There is no gaming your…
  • There is so much about the whole line and direction of this thread that is really getting into the realm of silliness. First the OP references "sites", yet doesn't name a single one and offers only a vague reference to "Harvard". Harvard is a University. What source at Harvard published this info and what exactly did it…
  • Seems like majoring in the minors. Use MFP estimates. Back out BMR, eg BMR is around 70 calories for an hour for me. If MFP gives me 240 calories for a 1 hours weight training session, I back out 70 and log 170. The differences are going to be so minimal as not not even be measurable over time for a man. If I'm off by 50…
  • Why wait? You can start with body weight exercises now and begin to see benefits. I typically weight training 3 days per week but have been doing pretty well with body weight and resistance bands during lockdown. No need to wait to start realizing the benefits.