punpunks28 Member


  • I think it is whatever works for you. I do at least an hour of cardio everyday (only 30 minutes on Sunday usually) and then I alternate yoga and weights/strength class at a gym for at least 30 minutes after cardio.
  • Zumba - going to a class is super fun too. I am an instructor and do this everyday and I love it!
  • I love smoothies as a snack, but they have so many calories so I make my own at home. The one I make is very filling and it is a great pre/post workout snack. It is really simple and really cheap too with only about 80 calories, but it gives 8 grams of protein. Carb-Master Smoothie 1 Kroger Carb-Master Smoothie (any…
  • I usually do bicep curls, chest presses, flys, skull crushers and isolated holds with the weights............