RLC928 Member


  • Same here. I can't have any artificial sweeteners at all or it really screws with me. I can go an entire week with perfect macros, under my calorie and carb limit, etc.. And one coke zero will stall my weight loss, for whatever reason. And then of course that leads to all kinds of crazy carb cravings. The last time I had…
  • I experienced the same. Once I started lifting consistently my weight loss completely stopped. But I could definitely tell there was a change by things like my appearance and fit of clothes. I weigh once a month now. I stuck my scale in the basement, so I don't really think about it any more. Out of sight, out of mind!
  • Braised Kale. I make this all the time and it's pretty simple. I chop up a slice or two of bacon, cook it, then remove with a slotted spoon. Cook some chopped onion and mushrooms in same pan. Once they're partially done, I put in a couple handfuls of kale and about 1/4 cup of water. I cover and simmer for about 10-15…
  • I'm in agreement with most everyone here. I eat meat and leafy green vegetables pretty much exclusively. I only drink water and never any kind of artificial sweeteners. Peanut butter is pretty much the only processed thing I eat on a somewhat regular basis. Oh, and canned tuna/sardines if you want to count that.
  • The majority of my MFP friends have gone inactive. Looking to restock on encouragement and accountability!
  • Anyone can add me. Keto, IF, lifting and cardio. Lost about 200lbs, currently sitting about 50lbs above that due to falling off that old slippery slope. Back at it full force.
  • I'm on day 3 of being more strict. I started back at keto a few weeks ago, but weren't fully committed. I started back at the gym monday with my IF schedule, and I couldn't feel better. It's strange but after so many months of being off the wagon and having that constant bloated, stuffed feeling, actually feeling hungry…
  • Welcome aboard. My best advice is to hang in there to get over that initial hump. A lot of people have the "keto flu" in the initial stages. I've known a few people that just given up at that point. Just remember that it's temporary and it's smooth sailing from there!
  • I'm also back after falling off the wagon, as I detailed in the introduction topic here. Feel free to check out my diary. It's a bit of a mess, and I'm doing IF as well, so it may look a little funky to some.
  • @KnitOrMiss - I appreciate the kind words of encouragement. I just got back from the gym and I'm definitely feeling it already. It's been an embarrassingly long time, and I could only do a fraction of what I was doing when I stopped going. I know I'll get back there with time though.
  • Checking in late to the party. I'm currently at the beginning stages of a complete overhaul thanks to the typical holiday screw ups. I was extremely successful using a combination of keto, intermittent fasting, and lifting. I've been back on the dietary horse for about 2 weeks now, and am starting back up at the gym…